"He is so gracious, so sweet and literally signs everybody's book and everybody's photograph." - Reese Witherspoon
Welcome to www.RobertPattinsonOnline.com, your source for everything on the talented actor Robert Pattinson since 2008. We strive to provide you with the latest news, videos and more on Rob and his career! Rob is most known for his role as Edward Cullen in The Twilight Saga and Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter. You can see Rob next in the upcoming films The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part One and Two, Cosmopolis and Bel Ami. Browse around the news, take a look at Rob's projects and enjoy the site!
Archive for the ‘Polls / Lists’ Category

Rob is a part of Entertainment Weekly’s 30 Sexiest Stars of 2010 list. The caption reads: “Yes, Edward’s still dreamy enough to make a girl want to turn vampire to spend eternity with him, but honestly, we’re never more drawn to Pattinson than when he’s being himself, whether it’s playfully arguing with Stewart on the Eclipse DVD commentary or going door-to-door in Chicago inviting Twihards to a taping of Oprah.”


Thanks to Glamour for letting us know that you can vote for Rob for Best Dressed Man as part of their 50 Best Dressed List!

See the rest of the list and vote for Rob, here!

Rob is part of People’s Sexiest Man Alive – Sexy at Every Age list!


The question is: What’s not sexy about the Twilight star? Case in point: Pattinson, with his signature messy hair and intense stare, ignites mass hysteria wherever he goes. “I don’t know how the Beatles felt, but very few human beings could ever get this feeling,” he told PEOPLE. “You can’t prepare for this.”

Source: People

You may vote for Rob in BBC Radio 1′s Teen Awards. He is nominated as best actor here and best dressed here .

Rob is listed on Moviefone‘s Hottest 25 Under 25 list!

Age: 24

What He’s Done: Nothing really, unless you ask his rabid, undying worldwide audience of fans who would walk across hot coals to see him play vampire Edward Cullen in the ‘Twilight’ saga. Before that, he was known as Cedric Diggory from the ‘Harry Potter’ franchise. He has also tried his hand at more artsy endeavors, playing Salvador Dali in 2008′s ‘Little Ashes’ and a melancholic lover in 2010′s ‘Remember Me.’

What’s Next: Of course, the final ‘Twilight’ movies (‘Breaking Dawn,’ which has been divided into two films) are slated for release in 2011 and 2012. In 2011, he’s also set to play a womanizing Parisian in ‘Bel Ami,’ and a veterinary student who runs away with the circus in ‘Water for Elephants.’

See the whole post and the list – On Moviefone!

Forbes has released its annual Celebrity 100 List for the world’s most powerful celebrities, and Rob garnered the #50 spot. The site says this about Rob:

“Everyone’s favorite vampire may be on the verge of becoming a true movie star. Pattinson earns most of his money from the Twilight films where he stars as Edward Cullen. But he’ll break out of the Twilight rut with next year’s Like Water for Elephants, based on the popular novel and costarring Reese Witherspoon.”


The December 2009 Harper’s Bazaar issue was selected by amazon.com customers as best magazine cover of the year. You may see the 11 other respective best cover contest category winners at the source.

Portrait Magazine readers were asked in July to nominate celebrities whom they felt were most beautiful, inside and out. Rob was voted #6.

One reader, Elizabeth, wrote: “Robert Pat­tin­son at a very young age of 24 has a cer­tain “je ne sais quoi” which defin­i­tively sets him apart from the rest. He is stun­ningly pho­to­genic and ooz­ing with sen­su­al­ity and a charisma he has no idea he pos­sesses. With a style that is an ema­na­tion from his own being, a posh accent, a sense of the absurd, great musi­cal abil­i­ties, and a sweet funny quirky per­son­al­ity, dis­arm­ing yet unas­sum­ing, all of which mag­ni­fies his unique­ness. He gives artic­u­late insight­ful inter­views, wise and mature beyond his years. A well-read young man with depth. The fans and paparazzis relent­lessly pur­sue him and as exhausted as he appears by it all, he han­dles the cir­cus that sur­rounds him with a good-natured grin and self-deprecating charm and a per­sona that draws the young and old. I am look­ing for­ward to the enter­tain­ing saga of Robert Pattinson.” You may read the rest of the article at the source

Glamour Magazine UK has named Rob the ‘Best Dressed British Man’ of 2010!

You can see the list – here!

(via Twilight Facebook)

Moviefone is having a End of Summer Movies Poll!

You can vote for Rob as the summer’s hottest leading man, and favorite on-screen couple (with Kristen Stewart). You can also vote for Eclipse for movie that was worth your cash, best chick flick and summer’s best sequel.

Vote on Moviefone – here!

Hollywoodlife.com has a list of  “Hollywood’s 15 Best Kissers” . Rob made the list!

See the full list – here

(thanks to Twilightninjas )

Rolling Stone has a list of Best and Worst Vampires on Film and TV and Rob came in on the best list at #10!

See the full list – here!

(thanks to RPLife and KStewRobfans)

EW wants you to vote to crown the champion of the ultimate sexy beast.

The final poll is between Ian Somerhalder’s character from Vampire Diaries (Damon Salvatore) and Rob’s character from the Twilight Saga (Edward Cullen).

You can vote – here!

Thanks to everyone who emailed us about this!

Rob is Glamour Magazine‘s Sexiest Man of 2010!

Read more on their website – here!

(thanks to RPLife)

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