Oct 03
Portrait Magazine readers were asked in July to nominate celebrities whom they felt were most beautiful, inside and out. Rob was voted #6. One reader, Elizabeth, wrote: “Robert Pattinson at a very young age of 24 has a certain “je ne sais quoi” which definitively sets him apart from the rest. He is stunningly photogenic and oozing with sensuality and a charisma he has no idea he possesses. With a style that is an emanation from his own being, a posh accent, a sense of the absurd, great musical abilities, and a sweet funny quirky personality, disarming yet unassuming, all of which magnifies his uniqueness. He gives articulate insightful interviews, wise and mature beyond his years. A well-read young man with depth. The fans and paparazzis relentlessly pursue him and as exhausted as he appears by it all, he handles the circus that surrounds him with a good-natured grin and self-deprecating charm and a persona that draws the young and old. I am looking forward to the entertaining saga of Robert Pattinson.” You may read the rest of the article at the source |
Rob is #6 on Portrait’s 20 Most Beautiful Inside & Out
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