Ok, I finished the review of How To Be!Just to let you know, I’m not a journalist, so my writing isn’t very good, haha.It’s kind of more of a summary, than a review, but I still put some of my thoughts into it I guess.
“How To Be” is one of the greatest films I have ever seen. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a huge Robert Pattinson fan! Despite the time of the film being pushed back an hour, and then 45 minutes of short films, “How To Be” didn’t disappoint! In the first scene we see a flashback of Art’s childhood. We see his father making him burn all his toys, comics, and anything that makes a kid happy. We hear Art (Robert Pattinson) in the background telling his ex-girlfriend, Jessica (Alisa Arnah), the story of his childhood. When Jessica convinces Ar that their relationship is over, Art is convinced that it’s really her who has the problems and that she should be the one who needs to get help. This scene then goes into Art playing a show at a tiny coffee shop and nobody is impressed. Robert Pattinson really shows his awkwardness in all scenes. Art decides to move home with his parents who have never really been there for him in the past. His sort of scary father (Michael Irving) says to Art: “Your existence is an oxymoron.” No wonder Art has problems! Art goes to see his friend Ronnie (Johnny White) who is a druggie, computer geek, who never leaves his house. Johnny White was hilarious as this role, so great job to him! Ronnie tries to convince Art that together they should start a band with a childhood friend, Nikki (Mike Pierce). When Art goes to the library, he discovers a book named “It’s Not Your Fault” by a self-help coach, Dr. Ellington (Powell Jones). Art spends his uncles inheritance money to get Dr. Ellington over to England to become his self-help coach. His parents definitely aren’t thrilled by this and Dr. Ellington is telling Art what to do to spend quality time with his unloving parents. My favorite scene is where all you can see is a flashlight and Art. You don’t know where he’s going or what he’s doing, but you know that it’ll be funny. You then hear Art’s father ask what’s going on and a light goes on. Art is lying in the middle of his parents bed with his parents on his side. Another light goes on and Dr. Ellington tells Art that this is not what he meant by quality time. It seems as if everytime the Dr. tells Art to do something, he always ends up messing up his life even more. With Art’s parents telling him he’s a mess up, he gets drunk and really thinks about how messed up his life really is. He ends up at Ronnie’s house where Nikki and Art drag Ronnie out of his house for the first time in a long time, and go down to the local pub. They all get very drunk, and Art realizes how much he needs to turn around his life by his music. Him, Ronnie & Nikki decide to start the band they’ve wanted to do. The drunk bar scene was very comical. The boys were mumbling and slurring their words which was very funny. The scenes next show Art telling the Dr. that he needs to leave and that he just messed up this life even more than it was before. After this, we hear a phone conversation between Art and his mother. His mother is telling him that they’re sorry and they’ll try to be there for him more. The last scene we see is Art sitting in a storage room that looks to be a backstage area of a coffee shop giving himself a pep talk into the mirror. He gets onto stage with his harmonica and guitar and behind him is Nikki on drums and Ronnie giving off beats with his computer. They play a song and surprisingly everybody claps, and you can see Art’s self-esteem going up.I think we all have a little Art in us. The self-conscious, low self-esteem side of us. Throughout the movie Art is depressed and Robert Pattinson really plays depressed well! Rob shows his emotions through the way he stands, which is always a very awkward stance which fits Art well. You can really see it through his eyes that he’s depressed and awkward. Overall, the film was brilliant, witty and a movie that can get everybody talking. All the actors were very well played out. Hopefully we get a DVD release very soon, because I’d love to see this film again and again! (:
Also, our site is mentioned on the official How To Be website! 
How To Be Soundtrack News: Release Date!
(1) comment • Film: How To Be, Music