May 18
How To Be releases on DVD & ITunes today in the UK! You can get your copy of the DVD @ Amazon or on ITunes. |
May 18
How To Be releases on DVD & ITunes today in the UK! You can get your copy of the DVD @ Amazon or on ITunes. |
May 18
I think you have to have a UK iTunes account to get it, I know when I've tried to get things from the US iTunes it tells me to get a US account. I got my copy of the DVD today and I enjoyed it, I couldn't help but feel sorry for Art throughout it though, I just wanted to give him a big hug lol
To get this on itunes you have to have a "billing" address in the UK , otherwise it will not work. But i mean they did actually say "Today in the UK" Regardless I bought this from amazon and got it expressed deliveried Lol <3 Anna
Do you have to be in the UK to get it on itunes or can we get it here in the states? |
How To Be DVD Releases in the UK!
(3) comments • Film: Little Ashes, Merchandise: DVD